
Friday, March 25, 2005

The Headlines

Breaking News
It's now 01:40 and I'm sitting here. Finn had to go home due to blah blah Dad. I just watched "The Incredibles". It's quite a good film, the funny bits are funny and the good bits and good.
I 'll keep you all posted on that issue as it develops.
The time is 01:43 and I'm a little tired. I'm cracking my wrists which I sholud stop doing. I may go to bed soon and listen to Pearl Jam.
I am going to Newry tomorrow to visit the dentist. I also may buy some cheap CDs while I'm there because I like buying CDs that are as good as my like of buying them.
News just in, my hand is now itchy, I repeat, my hand is itchy!
That's all the time for tonight. Here's a summary of tonight's main headlines:
We get movie-Finn byebye coz Dad, "No". I see movie. I--Newry--Dentist--Cds mmmmm.
Me--tired--Pearl Jam mmmmm. Hand itchy.
Join me again for the news again some other time when I have news worthy of being news on the news.
Good evening.